About us

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Welcome to Herbolario La Ventana natural in Benissa. We opened our doors in 1995, in the heart of Benissa. We strongly believe that health should be natural, and that has been the main focus of our business since we started, over 20 years ago. We believe in nature, honesty and transparency, and your right, which is to be aware of what goes into the products you buy.
Today the awareness and interest around natural remedies, skin and body care has increased.

We look towards offering you the best choice in a variety of products, such as natural remedies, phytotherapy (herbal products), organic food, gluten free food, food supor atplements fhletes, natural products for skin and body, weight control programs

You have at your disposal several weight control programs, with the most advanced technology in Spain. It’s a system called Nutriox, which also includes an app for your mobile device, which will help you in reaching your goals easily. In Herbolario La Ventana natural in Benissa, you will also have other services such as Food tests, which will help you choose the best food option in your diet. For athletic people, we offer the most innovative system of control, the Balance Diet Sport. What this does, is it optimises your sport performance by improving your nutrition. We also offer a new service for skin care, called Cellulitest.
When you come by and visit our facilities, you will receive personal advice by both Conxin and Lara. We will be able to help you regarding any matter. We have more than 20 years of experience working in this field. We are also specialised and titled in flower of Bach, so we will be able to prepare and offer you Dr Bach remedies. Come and visit us!

If you prefer to buy online, we have a partner which is Menopause specialist and next day delivery as standard Herbolario Green